Many of you will be renewing your status as refugees due to the war in Ukraine. We hope the following information will be of some help.
You have been displaced from Ukraine because of the conflict and have therefore benefited from a temporary residence permit (APS) valid for six months and bearing the mention “beneficiary of temporary protection”.
You want to apply for renewal.
According to the French 2018 asylum law reform, as amended in 2018, refugee status shall be withdrawn where the refugee:
- Should have been excluded from refugee status under Articles 1D, E and F of the Convention
- Obtained status by fraud
It is important that we explain this as, should you lie on a form during the renewal process, or should you omit information that is asked for on the forms, your protection status, right to live and work and your ADA allowance will all be withdrawn, you could also be fined and imprisoned.
Example of Fraud 1 : One of your family members has moved home to Ukraine but you do not inform the prefecture and OFII and you continue to claim their ADA allowance on your family card
Example of Fraud 2 : You move back home to Ukraine and do not inform the prefecture and OFII. You continue to receive ADA allowance on your card and return to France to spend this money with no intention to actually remain resident in France.
VISITS TO UKRAINE : Yes you can return to Ukraine to see your family, look after your affairs etc but you MUST inform OFII when you do this. When you are planning to return FULL TIME to Ukraine you must also inform OFII.
When you sign the OFII ADA Form you understand that …
Je suis informé(e) qu’en application de l’article 441-6 du code pénal, est puni de deux ans d’emprisonnement et de 30 000 euros d’amende le fait d’établir une fausse déclaration ou une déclaration incomplète en vue d’obtenir ou de tenter d’obtenir une allocation indue.
I am informed that pursuant to article 441-6 of the penal code, is punished by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros for making a false declaration or an incomplete declaration with a view to obtaining or attempting to obtain an improper allowance.
How to Renew your APS
To do this, you must send your request between three weeks and up to three days before the expiry of your APS to the department of the Aude prefecture, i.e.: by email to the following address: [email protected] or by depositing your request at the reception of the prefecture or by sending it by post to the following address:
Aude Prefecture
52 rue Jean Bringer
11896 CARCASSONNE Cedex 9
You will need to provide the following information when filing the file:
- the attached completed application form;
documents proving your marital status and nationality; - proof of residence less than three months old (in the case of accommodation, you must provide a certificate of accommodation and a copy of the passport or identity card of your host);
- any document justifying the evolution of your situation (marriage, divorce, birth of a child or employment contract for example);
- your old temporary residence permit which has expired.
Please note that any late renewal request may lead to a breach of your social rights.
You will be notified by email when your new APS is available.
You can come and collect it, without an appointment, at the Aude prefecture from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
You will have to present the day of the withdrawal of your new APS:
- two passport photographs
- your passport
- your old APS
The procedure for renewing your APS will also allow the OFII to update your situation with regard to the allowance for asylum seekers (ADA).
A form will be given to you when you are at the prefecture. You must return this application form for extension of rights to the ADA with the requested documents to the email address: [email protected]
The above link is to download the form to request an extension of rights for ADA (Asylum Seekers Allowance)